የፈረሰኞቹ ገጽ - It's Match day!

Today's St George opponent Mekekakeya was among the major teams in the country with prominent trophies and many fans when it was in its former name, Midir Tor. St George and Midir Tor's match was a highly expected one in the city.

At the time, St George's fan was the people and Midir Tor's were the Army and civilians. It was believed the military government used to back the club, bearing its name, either peacefully or by ordering its officials when needed. The Army authorities took their club not only as a sport club but also as their political extension. The club had to echo their belief, ''our army is unbeatable''. They used to believe a loss of their club in the games will disrespect the army.  

Tor's fans then used to fill the part of the stadium now called '' Mismar Tera'', then called ''Yetoru Ber". Ex-Army members who got relieved from duty due to injuries, active Army members and other civilians used to populate that area and sing their famous song ''Toru Nemegnata''.

At that time, St George fans used to flood the rest of the stadium and were identified with the "V" they paint on their yellow flags they wave. They cheer their club singing their songs laud.

Midir Tor had the support and protection of the army and because of this St George management and fans were always under harassment. It was a threat for the fans when their club, St George, scored a goal. With no less than the supporters, the security members in the stadium who were part of the army used to harass the fans. There was a time the military government official; the army's head interfered in the league's program when the club was unsuccessful taking it as an attack on the army.

This was in the past and became yesterday's history. Things have markedly changed. Today, St George passing all the atrocities, is still being supported by the people as it was before while Mekelakeya who acquired the name ''Tsehay Gibat'' after ''Midir Tor'', although still in stadiums, lost near to all of its fans. All the fierce and heavy support is no more with Mekelakeya.
St George's previous opponents are no more while it still stands high today. It is based on true story when we say St George lived yesterday, is living today and will be living tomorrow. The challenges and struggles St George has passed through compels us say so. St George with the fans, since establishment, was supported with deep and unlimited football feeling and was not rocked by the challenges put up from powerful authorities. St George is still on its glorious journey with the fans wearing and waving the flag high.

St George will play against Mekelakeya today at 4:00 pm on Ethiopian Premier League 9th week.


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