Currently unfit Brian Umoni won't be back to St George!

He was performing well at St George playing as a centre forward and a winger. He scored crucial goals in the time he stayed in St George with a 2 year contract until he was side-lined due to injury.

Although Brian, from Uganda, left from St George long ago, there was a news last week about him rejoining. It was said, recovering from his injury, he requested to come back. It was heard that St George accepted the request for a trial in Addis Ababa.

As Yeferesegnochu Gets's / የፈረሰኞቹ ገጽ/ sources confirmed it, Brian Umoni won't be back in this season. This was because he won't be doing strong training until January, by the time registeration of players for continental matches of CAF will be late. Hence, his coming back was not successful as St George won't be able to use him.
Brian is doing light training currently and told Yeferesegnochu Gets's/የፈረሰኞቹ ገጽ/ sources that it may take him some time to be fit to return to the field. He also told that he may try in the next pre-season though.


St George is currently looking for players in Africa who are fit and good enough to play in the starting 11 in continental tournaments. This and other related issues prevented Brian Umoni from coming back to St George.


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